Forbes outlined 5 things for financial freedom in 2017:
1. Pay off debt
2. Build an Emergency Fund
3. Save for Retirement
4. Improve Credit
5. Buy a House
Are you not sure or concerned with a change in our Commander and Chief? So why finances? Money is a universal aspect of life! It is important millennials know how to steward money in a positive manner.
United Way of Dallas has found that 39% of Dallas residents lack three months’ worth of savings needed to avoid financial crisis in case of a layoff, a reduction of income, or other emergency. Let's talk about it.
Come join IRON as we bring mentors together to help you talk through some key financial topics to explore this year.
IRON C3 events (Conversations, Cocktails, and Cupcakes) are structured networking opportunities for attendees to discuss key topics with subject matter experts. C3 is a deconstructed panel discussion. Its format allows for greater engagement for all in attendance.