Who participates in the IRON Dallas?

IRON Dallas 2015 participants are African American young professionals aged 25-35, that are looking for opportunities to learn more about the Dallas civic/social community. These young leaders will be interested in fostering relationships with other young professionals, mentors, and community organizations.

Three types of programs: 

Conversations, Cocktails, and Cupcakes (C3) 

The C3 events are IRON's branded quarterly conversation and networking sessions. Each of the sessions provided young professionals with an opportunity to connect with each other as well as tenured leadership in the Dallas community. 40-50 Young professionals from various industries gather to discuss a diverse set of topics as it pertains to being an African American young professional in Dallas. Emerging leaders and tenured leaders are invited to serve as panelists to help facilitate discussion. 

The evening begins and ends with networking. In the middle, the attendees and panelists tackle tough subjects in a warm and safe environment that come up in the life of a young African American professional. The night ends with cocktails, light hors' d'oevures, and cupcakes. 

IRON Dinner Series 

The purpose of the dinners are to give the participants an opportunity to interact withsenior executives and leaders in the Dallas community. Community partners will be highlighted each dinner to share what opportunities their organization has for young leaders to potentially get involved.

Community Development Workshops

IRON works to bring programming to the Dallas community that directly impacts Young Adults of all backgrounds and races. The millennial community is diverse and is growing. Bringing high level development workshops to the community provides opportunities for IRON participants to sow into the growth of Dallas. 


HOW DOES IRON HELP Dallas PRofessionals?

In 2012 The EEOC did a report in which they concluded that 73% of African American executives who reported having informal mentors at work had faster salary and total compensation growth than those without a formal mentor. 

Part of the driving mission for IRON is about building relationships. We create  opportunities for young professionals to build relationships laterally and upward. By fostering environments for established and emerging leaders to be in the room together to dialouge in meaningful conversation we attempt to provide opportunities for natural mentorship opportunities.