5 Tips for Career Relocation

Have you considered relocating to Dallas? Done so recently? Five Tips for a successful Career in Dallas.

Tip # 1: Research the Top Employers in the Metroplex

Company Number of Employees (Headquarters) Website
American Airlines 24, 700 employees in DFW (HQ Ft Worth) www.aa.com
Bank of America 20,000 employees in DFW www.bankofamerica.com
Texas Health Resources Inc. 19,230 employees in DFW (HQ in Arlington) www.texashealth.org/jobs
Dallas Independent School District 18,314 employees in Dallas www,dallasisd.org/dallasisd
Baylor Health Care System 17,097 employees in DFW (HQ in Dallas) www.baylorhealth.com

When searching for jobs many people think to go for the easy targets first. What are easy targets? Those employers you know are always hiring and a lot of your friends or associates work there. Well how do you do that in a new city? Gain access to the list of top employers in that city. Check Destination DFW for additional information

Tip #2 Learn about the Job Market

While DFW may be experience tremendous job growth, that job growth is not inclusive of all industry sectors.

DFW Job Growth by Industry 

The top five industries in growth for the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area for April 2015 are Trade/Transportation, Professional Services, Education and Health Services, Financial Services, and Leisure & Activity. Individuals relocating to the area will definitely find jobs in this areas in roles that support this industry.  Check Department of Labor and Statistics for additional information

Tip #3 Build a Personal Network in Advance of the move

Use LinkedIn to help you build a personal network in advance of your move.  Use the Advanced Searching features in LinkedIn to limit your searches for people by industry, job title, keyword, etc. One tip is to search the results for individuals with 500+ connections. This will allow you to see the most connected people in your target city and industry. These connected individuals would be more likely to be an open networker or connector that can provide you with some insight on getting acclimated with the business community. Another tip is to search in a specific industry or for a specific employer to see what connections you already have. You will be surprised at the introductions that a 1st or 2nd degree LinkedIn connection can make! See the level/degree of connections you already have, and then proceed to make strategic outreach.

Tip #4 Create a script to explain the move

Update your cover letter to include your reasons for relocation. Once you have established those reasons in your cover letter, align your resume, and stick with the script. In addition, consider letting the employer know in advance you will cover your own relocation expenses.  Relocation-Cover Letter Tips

Tip #5 Use your distance to your advantage

Plan trips to the area and alert companies that you have applied to that you will be in town for a few days and share those days. This will give you an opportunity to potentially speed up the process or narrow down a potential employer. Employers that have a strong interest in you as a candidate will accommodate your schedule in their interview process and schedule. Employers that are not interested may send their thank you but no interest letters in response therefore saving you time. Remember, when relocating, changing careers, or job hunting you want to spend your time valuably. 




Adrian KillebrewComment